# Parameters for the binary equilibrium computation by coal ################################################################### ini.d 0.375 start_dist : Factor by which the initial separation is multiplied at beginning (replaces fact_separ) 0.025 radius_step 9 nofsteps_radius 1.5733 mbar_voulue_init[0] : Initial Baryon mass required for star 1 [M_sol] 1.5733 mbar_voulue_init[1] : Initial Baryon mass required for star 2 [M_sol] 1.5733 mbar_voulue_final[0] : Final Baryon mass required for star 1 [M_sol] 1.5733 mbar_voulue_final[1] : Final Baryon mass required for star 2 [M_sol] 25 nofsteps_mass: Number of steps in which to let the baryon mass change 10 nmass_delay: how long after mer_masse steps to begin scanning mass 1 massscan_rstep: Radial step at which mass is scanned -- from 1 to nofsteps_radius! ################################################################### 500 mermax : Maximum number of steps in the main iteration 0.5 relax : Relaxation factor in the main iteration 1 mermax_eqb : Maximum number of steps in Etoile_bin::equilibrium 1 prompt : 1 if no pause during the computation 0 graph : 1 if graphical outputs during the computation 1.E-7 seuil : Threshold on the enthalpy relative change for ending the computation 2 fmer_stop : Step interval between pauses in the main iteration 5 fmer_save : Step interval between safeguards of the whole configuration 4 mermax_poisson : Maximum number of steps in Map_et::poisson 1.5 relax_poisson : Relaxation factor in Map_et::poisson 4 mermax_potvit : Maximum number of steps in Map_radial::poisson_compact 0.5 relax_potvit : Relaxation factor in Map_radial::poisson_compact 10 mer_masse : Step from which the baryon mass is forced to converge 0.5 aexp_masse : Exponent for the increase factor of the central enthalpy 8 fmer_udp_met : Step interval between metric updates 1 ind_rel_met : 1 if relaxation of the metric, 0 if not 0.65 relax_met : Relaxation factor of the metric (used only if ind_rel_met=1) 0.75 relax_omeg : Relaxation factor on Omega (orbital angular velocity) 0.7 fact_omeg_min : fact_omeg_min * omega = low bound in the omega search 1.3 fact_omeg_max : fact_omeg_max * omega = high bound in the omega search 0. thres_adapt1 : threshold on dH/dr for the adaptation of the mapping in star 1 0. thres_adapt2 : threshold on dH/dr for the adaptation of the mapping in star 2 0.6 reduce_shift : factor by which the initial analytical shift is reduced