Requested orbital separation : 100 km total number of domains : nz = 5 total number of domains : nzet1 = 1 number of points in phi : np = 16 number of points in theta : nt = 17 total number of domains : nz = 5 total number of domains : nzet2 = 1 number of points in phi : np = 16 number of points in theta : nt = 17 Multi-grid 1 : ============ Number of domains: 5 Domain #0: nr = 33, RARE; nt = 17, SYM; np = 16, NONSYM; Collocation points type : Chebyshev Domain #1: nr = 33, FIN; nt = 17, SYM; np = 16, NONSYM; Collocation points type : Chebyshev Domain #2: nr = 33, FIN; nt = 17, SYM; np = 16, NONSYM; Collocation points type : Chebyshev Domain #3: nr = 33, FIN; nt = 17, SYM; np = 16, NONSYM; Collocation points type : Chebyshev Domain #4: nr = 33, UNSURR; nt = 17, SYM; np = 16, NONSYM; Collocation points type : Chebyshev Mapping 1 : ========= Absolute coordinates of the mapping origin: X_0, Y_0, Z_0 : 0 0 0 Rotation angle between the x-axis and X-axis : 0 Radial mapping of form r = xi + A(xi)F(t,p) + B(xi)G(t,p) (class Map_et) Domain #0 : alpha_l = 1 , beta_l = 0 Domain #1 : alpha_l = 0.5 , beta_l = 1.5 Domain #2 : alpha_l = 1 , beta_l = 3 Domain #3 : alpha_l = 2 , beta_l = 6 Domain #4 : alpha_l = -0.0625 , beta_l = 0.0625 Function F(theta', phi') : ------------------------- *** Valeur state: ZERO Function G(theta', phi') : ------------------------- *** Valeur state: ZERO Values of r at the outer boundary of each domain [km] : ------------------------------------------------------ 1/ for theta = Pi/2 and phi = 0 : val_r : 10 20 40 80 inf Coord r : 10 20 40 80 inf 2/ for theta = Pi/2 and phi = Pi/2 : val_r : 10 20 40 80 inf Coord r : 10 20 40 80 inf 3/ for theta = Pi/2 and phi = Pi : val_r : 10 20 40 80 inf Coord r : 10 20 40 80 inf 4/ for theta = 0 : val_r : 10 20 40 80 inf Coord r : 10 20 40 80 inf Multi-grid 2 : ============ Number of domains: 5 Domain #0: nr = 33, RARE; nt = 17, SYM; np = 16, NONSYM; Collocation points type : Chebyshev Domain #1: nr = 33, FIN; nt = 17, SYM; np = 16, NONSYM; Collocation points type : Chebyshev Domain #2: nr = 33, FIN; nt = 17, SYM; np = 16, NONSYM; Collocation points type : Chebyshev Domain #3: nr = 33, FIN; nt = 17, SYM; np = 16, NONSYM; Collocation points type : Chebyshev Domain #4: nr = 33, UNSURR; nt = 17, SYM; np = 16, NONSYM; Collocation points type : Chebyshev Mapping 2 : ========= Absolute coordinates of the mapping origin: X_0, Y_0, Z_0 : 0 0 0 Rotation angle between the x-axis and X-axis : 0 Radial mapping of form r = xi + A(xi)F(t,p) + B(xi)G(t,p) (class Map_et) Domain #0 : alpha_l = 1 , beta_l = 0 Domain #1 : alpha_l = 0.5 , beta_l = 1.5 Domain #2 : alpha_l = 1 , beta_l = 3 Domain #3 : alpha_l = 2 , beta_l = 6 Domain #4 : alpha_l = -0.0625 , beta_l = 0.0625 Function F(theta', phi') : ------------------------- *** Valeur state: ZERO Function G(theta', phi') : ------------------------- *** Valeur state: ZERO Values of r at the outer boundary of each domain [km] : ------------------------------------------------------ 1/ for theta = Pi/2 and phi = 0 : val_r : 10 20 40 80 inf Coord r : 10 20 40 80 inf 2/ for theta = Pi/2 and phi = Pi/2 : val_r : 10 20 40 80 inf Coord r : 10 20 40 80 inf 3/ for theta = Pi/2 and phi = Pi : val_r : 10 20 40 80 inf Coord r : 10 20 40 80 inf 4/ for theta = 0 : val_r : 10 20 40 80 inf Coord r : 10 20 40 80 inf Equation of state of star 1 : =========================== Star 1 EOS EOS of class Eos_multi_poly (multiple polytropic equation of state) : Number of polytropes : 7 EOS in region 0 : --------------- gamma : 1.58425 kappa : 1.382538744791912 [Lorene units: rho_nuc c^2 / n_nuc^gamma] : 6.801099999999999e-09 [(g/cm^3)^{1-gamma}] EOS in region 1 : --------------- gamma : 1.28733 kappa : 0.01294026832881176 [Lorene units: rho_nuc c^2 / n_nuc^gamma] : 1.061890229851573e-06 [(g/cm^3)^{1-gamma}] EOS in region 2 : --------------- gamma : 0.6222299999999999 kappa : 0.0002262615107470175 [Lorene units: rho_nuc c^2 / n_nuc^gamma] : 53.27714144970292 [(g/cm^3)^{1-gamma}] EOS in region 3 : --------------- gamma : 1.35692 kappa : 0.004758016785060265 [Lorene units: rho_nuc c^2 / n_nuc^gamma] : 3.9993092810949e-08 [(g/cm^3)^{1-gamma}] EOS in region 4 : --------------- gamma : 2.519 kappa : 0.004450239341726739 [Lorene units: rho_nuc c^2 / n_nuc^gamma] : 1.116964018176385e-24 [(g/cm^3)^{1-gamma}] EOS in region 5 : --------------- gamma : 3.791 kappa : 0.001091341968563714 [Lorene units: rho_nuc c^2 / n_nuc^gamma] : 2.236861954950471e-43 [(g/cm^3)^{1-gamma}] EOS in region 6 : --------------- gamma : 3.66 kappa : 0.001380787024303926 [Lorene units: rho_nuc c^2 / n_nuc^gamma] : 2.063664926126834e-41 [(g/cm^3)^{1-gamma}] Exponent of the pressure at the fiducial density rho_1 ------------------------------------------------------ log P1 : 3.53623 Exponent of fiducial densities ------------------------------ log rho[0] : 7.3875 log rho[1] : 11.5779 log rho[2] : 12.4196 log rho[3] : 14.2451 log rho[4] : 14.7 log rho[5] : 15 Critical density and enthalpy between domains 0 and 1 : ----------------------------------------------------- num. dens. : 1.470297652711769e-07 [Lorene units: n_nuc] density : 24406941.03501537 [g/cm^3] ln(ent) : 0.0003818351579044675 Critical density and enthalpy between domains 1 and 2 : ----------------------------------------------------- num. dens. : 0.002279249729658018 [Lorene units: n_nuc] density : 378355455123.231 [g/cm^3] ln(ent) : 0.009796818197070354 Critical density and enthalpy between domains 2 and 3 : ----------------------------------------------------- num. dens. : 0.01583040084842473 [Lorene units: n_nuc] density : 2627846540838.506 [g/cm^3] ln(ent) : 0.01170265433907683 Critical density and enthalpy between domains 3 and 4 : ----------------------------------------------------- num. dens. : 1.059233998454668 [Lorene units: n_nuc] density : 175832843743474.8 [g/cm^3] ln(ent) : 0.02578152331097949 Critical density and enthalpy between domains 4 and 5 : ----------------------------------------------------- num. dens. : 3.019200202573924 [Lorene units: n_nuc] density : 501187233627271.3 [g/cm^3] ln(ent) : 0.05600236529022308 Critical density and enthalpy between domains 5 and 6 : ----------------------------------------------------- num. dens. : 6.024096385542159 [Lorene units: n_nuc] density : 999999999999998.4 [g/cm^3] ln(ent) : 0.2214391687762911 Relat. chem. pot. in region 0 : ----------------------------- mu : 1 [m_B c^2] Relat. chem. pot. in region 1 : ----------------------------- mu : 0.9997508886046408 [m_B c^2] Relat. chem. pot. in region 2 : ----------------------------- mu : 1.013555880017277 [m_B c^2] Relat. chem. pot. in region 3 : ----------------------------- mu : 1.007652586175552 [m_B c^2] Relat. chem. pot. in region 4 : ----------------------------- mu : 1.018062651424971 [m_B c^2] Relat. chem. pot. in region 5 : ----------------------------- mu : 1.025215988399266 [m_B c^2] Relat. chem. pot. in region 6 : ----------------------------- mu : 1.022323517451616 [m_B c^2] Equation of state of star 2 : =========================== Star 1 EOS EOS of class Eos_multi_poly (multiple polytropic equation of state) : Number of polytropes : 7 EOS in region 0 : --------------- gamma : 1.58425 kappa : 1.382538744791912 [Lorene units: rho_nuc c^2 / n_nuc^gamma] : 6.801099999999999e-09 [(g/cm^3)^{1-gamma}] EOS in region 1 : --------------- gamma : 1.28733 kappa : 0.01294026832881176 [Lorene units: rho_nuc c^2 / n_nuc^gamma] : 1.061890229851573e-06 [(g/cm^3)^{1-gamma}] EOS in region 2 : --------------- gamma : 0.6222299999999999 kappa : 0.0002262615107470175 [Lorene units: rho_nuc c^2 / n_nuc^gamma] : 53.27714144970292 [(g/cm^3)^{1-gamma}] EOS in region 3 : --------------- gamma : 1.35692 kappa : 0.004758016785060265 [Lorene units: rho_nuc c^2 / n_nuc^gamma] : 3.9993092810949e-08 [(g/cm^3)^{1-gamma}] EOS in region 4 : --------------- gamma : 2.519 kappa : 0.004450239341726739 [Lorene units: rho_nuc c^2 / n_nuc^gamma] : 1.116964018176385e-24 [(g/cm^3)^{1-gamma}] EOS in region 5 : --------------- gamma : 3.791 kappa : 0.001091341968563714 [Lorene units: rho_nuc c^2 / n_nuc^gamma] : 2.236861954950471e-43 [(g/cm^3)^{1-gamma}] EOS in region 6 : --------------- gamma : 3.66 kappa : 0.001380787024303926 [Lorene units: rho_nuc c^2 / n_nuc^gamma] : 2.063664926126834e-41 [(g/cm^3)^{1-gamma}] Exponent of the pressure at the fiducial density rho_1 ------------------------------------------------------ log P1 : 3.53623 Exponent of fiducial densities ------------------------------ log rho[0] : 7.3875 log rho[1] : 11.5779 log rho[2] : 12.4196 log rho[3] : 14.2451 log rho[4] : 14.7 log rho[5] : 15 Critical density and enthalpy between domains 0 and 1 : ----------------------------------------------------- num. dens. : 1.470297652711769e-07 [Lorene units: n_nuc] density : 24406941.03501537 [g/cm^3] ln(ent) : 0.0003818351579044675 Critical density and enthalpy between domains 1 and 2 : ----------------------------------------------------- num. dens. : 0.002279249729658018 [Lorene units: n_nuc] density : 378355455123.231 [g/cm^3] ln(ent) : 0.009796818197070354 Critical density and enthalpy between domains 2 and 3 : ----------------------------------------------------- num. dens. : 0.01583040084842473 [Lorene units: n_nuc] density : 2627846540838.506 [g/cm^3] ln(ent) : 0.01170265433907683 Critical density and enthalpy between domains 3 and 4 : ----------------------------------------------------- num. dens. : 1.059233998454668 [Lorene units: n_nuc] density : 175832843743474.8 [g/cm^3] ln(ent) : 0.02578152331097949 Critical density and enthalpy between domains 4 and 5 : ----------------------------------------------------- num. dens. : 3.019200202573924 [Lorene units: n_nuc] density : 501187233627271.3 [g/cm^3] ln(ent) : 0.05600236529022308 Critical density and enthalpy between domains 5 and 6 : ----------------------------------------------------- num. dens. : 6.024096385542159 [Lorene units: n_nuc] density : 999999999999998.4 [g/cm^3] ln(ent) : 0.2214391687762911 Relat. chem. pot. in region 0 : ----------------------------- mu : 1 [m_B c^2] Relat. chem. pot. in region 1 : ----------------------------- mu : 0.9997508886046408 [m_B c^2] Relat. chem. pot. in region 2 : ----------------------------- mu : 1.013555880017277 [m_B c^2] Relat. chem. pot. in region 3 : ----------------------------- mu : 1.007652586175552 [m_B c^2] Relat. chem. pot. in region 4 : ----------------------------- mu : 1.018062651424971 [m_B c^2] Relat. chem. pot. in region 5 : ----------------------------- mu : 1.025215988399266 [m_B c^2] Relat. chem. pot. in region 6 : ----------------------------- mu : 1.022323517451616 [m_B c^2] Computation of a static configuration for star 1 ================================================ ----------------------------------------------- step: 0 alpha_r: 1 diff_ent = 1 ----------------------------------------------- step: 1 alpha_r: 0.9578147387042136 diff_ent = 14552.64222993151 ----------------------------------------------- step: 2 alpha_r: 0.5387331111872913 diff_ent = 1.902762201735096 ----------------------------------------------- step: 3 alpha_r: 1.452477594762382 diff_ent = 0.5172318520367628 ----------------------------------------------- step: 4 alpha_r: 1.072410209098752 diff_ent = 0.1101102406334856 ----------------------------------------------- step: 5 alpha_r: 1.013927657997037 diff_ent = 0.02411922172150591 ----------------------------------------------- step: 6 alpha_r: 1.003059678462704 diff_ent = 0.005111515113746266 ----------------------------------------------- step: 7 alpha_r: 1.000653881577002 diff_ent = 0.001051950790469956 ----------------------------------------------- step: 8 alpha_r: 1.000135137922237 diff_ent = 0.0002124293982893138 ----------------------------------------------- step: 9 alpha_r: 1.00002731917988 diff_ent = 4.244719878714841e-05 ----------------------------------------------- step: 10 alpha_r: 1.000005456164887 diff_ent = 8.439959459306087e-06 ----------------------------------------------- step: 11 alpha_r: 1.000001083737109 diff_ent = 1.67545061327362e-06 ----------------------------------------------- step: 12 alpha_r: 1.000000214909573 diff_ent = 3.32628007435264e-07 ----------------------------------------------- step: 13 alpha_r: 1.000000042630264 diff_ent = 6.608680794875973e-08 ----------------------------------------------- step: 14 alpha_r: 1.000000008464962 diff_ent = 1.314157945012001e-08 ----------------------------------------------- step: 15 alpha_r: 1.000000001682711 diff_ent = 2.615190494042073e-09 ----------------------------------------------- step: 16 alpha_r: 1.000000000334801 diff_ent = 5.206594508440253e-10 ----------------------------------------------- step: 17 alpha_r: 1.000000000066652 diff_ent = 1.037110718192628e-10 ----------------------------------------------- step: 18 alpha_r: 1.000000000013275 diff_ent = 2.066174352766727e-11 ----------------------------------------------- step: 19 alpha_r: 1.000000000002644 diff_ent = 4.11756261625751e-12 ----------------------------------------------- step: 20 alpha_r: 1.00000000000053 diff_ent = 7.733228272110052e-13 ----------------------------------------------- step: 21 alpha_r: 1.0000000000001 diff_ent = 2.279202358519403e-13 Characteristics of the star obtained by Etoile::equilibrium_spher : ----------------------------------------------------------------- Coordinate radius : 8.181194159996954 km Circumferential radius R : 10.41292897695297 km Baryon mass : 1.60030518430528 Mo Gravitational mass M : 1.420424035342975 Mo Compacity parameter GM/(c^2 R) : 0.2014199497758917 Virial theorem GRV3 : 3P term : 0.7847200666469664 grav. term : -0.7846340446457107 relative error : 0.0001096212584739797 Computation of a static configuration for star 2 ================================================ ----------------------------------------------- step: 0 alpha_r: 1 diff_ent = 1 ----------------------------------------------- step: 1 alpha_r: 0.9574705917004024 diff_ent = 14235.13003582382 ----------------------------------------------- step: 2 alpha_r: 0.5478713548404378 diff_ent = 1.897635253096495 ----------------------------------------------- step: 3 alpha_r: 1.438488411059229 diff_ent = 0.5139986041816467 ----------------------------------------------- step: 4 alpha_r: 1.07014650039411 diff_ent = 0.110490188157188 ----------------------------------------------- step: 5 alpha_r: 1.013623301830337 diff_ent = 0.02445651853788834 ----------------------------------------------- step: 6 alpha_r: 1.003017778240389 diff_ent = 0.005261441738883846 ----------------------------------------------- step: 7 alpha_r: 1.000653490308254 diff_ent = 0.001102355429877311 ----------------------------------------------- step: 8 alpha_r: 1.000137412108723 diff_ent = 0.0002274378709977595 ----------------------------------------------- step: 9 alpha_r: 1.000028374258037 diff_ent = 4.654060969746718e-05 ----------------------------------------------- step: 10 alpha_r: 1.000005803545228 diff_ent = 9.489242983962879e-06 ----------------------------------------------- step: 11 alpha_r: 1.000001182297492 diff_ent = 1.932717075630759e-06 ----------------------------------------------- step: 12 alpha_r: 1.000000240613596 diff_ent = 3.936941084857748e-07 ----------------------------------------------- step: 13 alpha_r: 1.000000048984188 diff_ent = 8.023811217285649e-08 ----------------------------------------------- step: 14 alpha_r: 1.000000009979649 diff_ent = 1.636236171111002e-08 ----------------------------------------------- step: 15 alpha_r: 1.000000002034652 diff_ent = 3.338051265814001e-09 ----------------------------------------------- step: 16 alpha_r: 1.000000000415047 diff_ent = 6.812037242792556e-10 ----------------------------------------------- step: 17 alpha_r: 1.000000000084696 diff_ent = 1.390408921832391e-10 ----------------------------------------------- step: 18 alpha_r: 1.000000000017288 diff_ent = 2.836861102866468e-11 ----------------------------------------------- step: 19 alpha_r: 1.000000000003526 diff_ent = 5.817924666023777e-12 ----------------------------------------------- step: 20 alpha_r: 1.000000000000722 diff_ent = 1.164131996580918e-12 ----------------------------------------------- step: 21 alpha_r: 1.000000000000147 diff_ent = 2.459083914428951e-13 ----------------------------------------------- step: 22 alpha_r: 1.000000000000029 diff_ent = 7.115338333203293e-14 ----------------------------------------------- step: 23 alpha_r: 1.000000000000009 diff_ent = 3.668162441432141e-14 ----------------------------------------------- step: 24 alpha_r: 0.9999999999999978 diff_ent = 2.928121986711342e-14 Characteristics of the star obtained by Etoile::equilibrium_spher : ----------------------------------------------------------------- Coordinate radius : 8.216705719460149 km Circumferential radius R : 10.41303623627723 km Baryon mass : 1.573282106542703 Mo Gravitational mass M : 1.399445997591325 Mo Compacity parameter GM/(c^2 R) : 0.1984431635006789 Virial theorem GRV3 : 3P term : 0.7521658239169511 grav. term : -0.752160621865647 relative error : 6.916096342910176e-06 ============================================================= ============================================================= Final characteristics of the computed system : Binary system ============= Orbital angular velocity : 611.7358571507575 rad/s Coordinate separation between the two stellar centers : 100 km Absolute coordinate X of the rotation axis : 0 km Star 1 : ====== Relativistic star ----------------- Number of domains occupied by the star : 1 Equation of state : Star 1 EOS EOS of class Eos_multi_poly (multiple polytropic equation of state) : Number of polytropes : 7 EOS in region 0 : --------------- gamma : 1.58425 kappa : 1.382538744791912 [Lorene units: rho_nuc c^2 / n_nuc^gamma] : 6.801099999999999e-09 [(g/cm^3)^{1-gamma}] EOS in region 1 : --------------- gamma : 1.28733 kappa : 0.01294026832881176 [Lorene units: rho_nuc c^2 / n_nuc^gamma] : 1.061890229851573e-06 [(g/cm^3)^{1-gamma}] EOS in region 2 : --------------- gamma : 0.6222299999999999 kappa : 0.0002262615107470175 [Lorene units: rho_nuc c^2 / n_nuc^gamma] : 53.27714144970292 [(g/cm^3)^{1-gamma}] EOS in region 3 : --------------- gamma : 1.35692 kappa : 0.004758016785060265 [Lorene units: rho_nuc c^2 / n_nuc^gamma] : 3.9993092810949e-08 [(g/cm^3)^{1-gamma}] EOS in region 4 : --------------- gamma : 2.519 kappa : 0.004450239341726739 [Lorene units: rho_nuc c^2 / n_nuc^gamma] : 1.116964018176385e-24 [(g/cm^3)^{1-gamma}] EOS in region 5 : --------------- gamma : 3.791 kappa : 0.001091341968563714 [Lorene units: rho_nuc c^2 / n_nuc^gamma] : 2.236861954950471e-43 [(g/cm^3)^{1-gamma}] EOS in region 6 : --------------- gamma : 3.66 kappa : 0.001380787024303926 [Lorene units: rho_nuc c^2 / n_nuc^gamma] : 2.063664926126834e-41 [(g/cm^3)^{1-gamma}] Exponent of the pressure at the fiducial density rho_1 ------------------------------------------------------ log P1 : 3.53623 Exponent of fiducial densities ------------------------------ log rho[0] : 7.3875 log rho[1] : 11.5779 log rho[2] : 12.4196 log rho[3] : 14.2451 log rho[4] : 14.7 log rho[5] : 15 Critical density and enthalpy between domains 0 and 1 : ----------------------------------------------------- num. dens. : 1.470297652711769e-07 [Lorene units: n_nuc] density : 24406941.03501537 [g/cm^3] ln(ent) : 0.0003818351579044675 Critical density and enthalpy between domains 1 and 2 : ----------------------------------------------------- num. dens. : 0.002279249729658018 [Lorene units: n_nuc] density : 378355455123.231 [g/cm^3] ln(ent) : 0.009796818197070354 Critical density and enthalpy between domains 2 and 3 : ----------------------------------------------------- num. dens. : 0.01583040084842473 [Lorene units: n_nuc] density : 2627846540838.506 [g/cm^3] ln(ent) : 0.01170265433907683 Critical density and enthalpy between domains 3 and 4 : ----------------------------------------------------- num. dens. : 1.059233998454668 [Lorene units: n_nuc] density : 175832843743474.8 [g/cm^3] ln(ent) : 0.02578152331097949 Critical density and enthalpy between domains 4 and 5 : ----------------------------------------------------- num. dens. : 3.019200202573924 [Lorene units: n_nuc] density : 501187233627271.3 [g/cm^3] ln(ent) : 0.05600236529022308 Critical density and enthalpy between domains 5 and 6 : ----------------------------------------------------- num. dens. : 6.024096385542159 [Lorene units: n_nuc] density : 999999999999998.4 [g/cm^3] ln(ent) : 0.2214391687762911 Relat. chem. pot. in region 0 : ----------------------------- mu : 1 [m_B c^2] Relat. chem. pot. in region 1 : ----------------------------- mu : 0.9997508886046408 [m_B c^2] Relat. chem. pot. in region 2 : ----------------------------- mu : 1.013555880017277 [m_B c^2] Relat. chem. pot. in region 3 : ----------------------------- mu : 1.007652586175552 [m_B c^2] Relat. chem. pot. in region 4 : ----------------------------- mu : 1.018062651424971 [m_B c^2] Relat. chem. pot. in region 5 : ----------------------------- mu : 1.025215988399266 [m_B c^2] Relat. chem. pot. in region 6 : ----------------------------- mu : 1.022323517451616 [m_B c^2] Central enthalpy : 0.275 c^2 Central proper baryon density : 6.657035304258289 x 0.1 fm^-3 Central proper energy density : 7.340765997689314 rho_nuc c^2 Central pressure : 1.423425184043434 rho_nuc c^2 Regularization index of the gravitational potential : k_div = 0 Central lapse N : 0.5869673599173496 Central value of A^2 : 2.449752052991078 Coordinate equatorial radius (phi=0) a1 = 8.181194159996954 km Coordinate equatorial radius (phi=pi/2) a2 = 8.181194159996954 km Coordinate equatorial radius (phi=pi): 8.181194159996954 km Coordinate polar radius a3 = 8.181194159996954 km Axis ratio a2/a1 = 1 a3/a1 = 1 Baryon mass : 1.60030518430528 M_sol Gravitational mass : 1.420424035342975 M_sol Star in a binary system ----------------------- irrotational configuration Absolute abscidia of the stellar center: -49.62803183291003 km Absolute abscidia of the barycenter of the baryon density : -49.62803183291003 km d_tilde : 12.13222198675419 Orientation with respect to the absolute frame : 0 rad Central value of gam_euler : 1 Central u_euler (U^X, U^Y, U^Z) [c] : 0 0 0 Central d_psi (X, Y, Z) [c] : 0 0 0 Central vel. / co-orb. (W^X, W^Y, W^Z) [c] : 0 0 0 Max vel. / co-orb. (W^X, W^Y, W^Z) [c] : 0 0 0 Min vel. / co-orb. (W^X, W^Y, W^Z) [c] : 0 0 0 Velocity at (r_surf,pi/4,pi/4) / co-orb. [c] : 0 0 0 Central value of loggam : 0 Central value of log(N) auto, comp : -0.547090790034229 0 Central value of beta=log(AN) auto, comp : -0.08479265732362123 0 Central value of shift (N^X, N^Y, N^Z) [c] : 0 0 0 ... shift_auto part of it [c] : 0 0 0 ... shift_comp part of it [c] : 0 0 0 ... w_shift (NB: components in the star Cartesian frame) [c] : 0 0 0 Central value of khi_shift [km c] : 0 Central value of (B^X, B^Y, B^Z)/N [c] : 0 0 0 Central (d/dX,d/dY,d/dZ)(logn_auto) [km^{-1}] : 0 0 0 Central (d/dX,d/dY,d/dZ)(logn_comp) [km^{-1}] : 0 0 0 Central (d/dX,d/dY,d/dZ)(beta_auto) [km^{-1}] : 0 0 0 Central (d/dX,d/dY,d/dZ)(beta_comp) [km^{-1}] : 0 0 0 Central A^2 K^{ij} [c/km] : A^2 K^{xx} auto, comp : 0 0 A^2 K^{xy} auto, comp : 0 0 A^2 K^{xz} auto, comp : 0 0 A^2 K^{yy} auto, comp : 0 0 A^2 K^{yz} auto, comp : 0 0 A^2 K^{zz} auto, comp : 0 0 Central A^2 K_{ij} K^{ij} [c^2/km^2] : A^2 K_{ij} K^{ij} auto, comp : 0 0 Star 2 : ====== Relativistic star ----------------- Number of domains occupied by the star : 1 Equation of state : Star 1 EOS EOS of class Eos_multi_poly (multiple polytropic equation of state) : Number of polytropes : 7 EOS in region 0 : --------------- gamma : 1.58425 kappa : 1.382538744791912 [Lorene units: rho_nuc c^2 / n_nuc^gamma] : 6.801099999999999e-09 [(g/cm^3)^{1-gamma}] EOS in region 1 : --------------- gamma : 1.28733 kappa : 0.01294026832881176 [Lorene units: rho_nuc c^2 / n_nuc^gamma] : 1.061890229851573e-06 [(g/cm^3)^{1-gamma}] EOS in region 2 : --------------- gamma : 0.6222299999999999 kappa : 0.0002262615107470175 [Lorene units: rho_nuc c^2 / n_nuc^gamma] : 53.27714144970292 [(g/cm^3)^{1-gamma}] EOS in region 3 : --------------- gamma : 1.35692 kappa : 0.004758016785060265 [Lorene units: rho_nuc c^2 / n_nuc^gamma] : 3.9993092810949e-08 [(g/cm^3)^{1-gamma}] EOS in region 4 : --------------- gamma : 2.519 kappa : 0.004450239341726739 [Lorene units: rho_nuc c^2 / n_nuc^gamma] : 1.116964018176385e-24 [(g/cm^3)^{1-gamma}] EOS in region 5 : --------------- gamma : 3.791 kappa : 0.001091341968563714 [Lorene units: rho_nuc c^2 / n_nuc^gamma] : 2.236861954950471e-43 [(g/cm^3)^{1-gamma}] EOS in region 6 : --------------- gamma : 3.66 kappa : 0.001380787024303926 [Lorene units: rho_nuc c^2 / n_nuc^gamma] : 2.063664926126834e-41 [(g/cm^3)^{1-gamma}] Exponent of the pressure at the fiducial density rho_1 ------------------------------------------------------ log P1 : 3.53623 Exponent of fiducial densities ------------------------------ log rho[0] : 7.3875 log rho[1] : 11.5779 log rho[2] : 12.4196 log rho[3] : 14.2451 log rho[4] : 14.7 log rho[5] : 15 Critical density and enthalpy between domains 0 and 1 : ----------------------------------------------------- num. dens. : 1.470297652711769e-07 [Lorene units: n_nuc] density : 24406941.03501537 [g/cm^3] ln(ent) : 0.0003818351579044675 Critical density and enthalpy between domains 1 and 2 : ----------------------------------------------------- num. dens. : 0.002279249729658018 [Lorene units: n_nuc] density : 378355455123.231 [g/cm^3] ln(ent) : 0.009796818197070354 Critical density and enthalpy between domains 2 and 3 : ----------------------------------------------------- num. dens. : 0.01583040084842473 [Lorene units: n_nuc] density : 2627846540838.506 [g/cm^3] ln(ent) : 0.01170265433907683 Critical density and enthalpy between domains 3 and 4 : ----------------------------------------------------- num. dens. : 1.059233998454668 [Lorene units: n_nuc] density : 175832843743474.8 [g/cm^3] ln(ent) : 0.02578152331097949 Critical density and enthalpy between domains 4 and 5 : ----------------------------------------------------- num. dens. : 3.019200202573924 [Lorene units: n_nuc] density : 501187233627271.3 [g/cm^3] ln(ent) : 0.05600236529022308 Critical density and enthalpy between domains 5 and 6 : ----------------------------------------------------- num. dens. : 6.024096385542159 [Lorene units: n_nuc] density : 999999999999998.4 [g/cm^3] ln(ent) : 0.2214391687762911 Relat. chem. pot. in region 0 : ----------------------------- mu : 1 [m_B c^2] Relat. chem. pot. in region 1 : ----------------------------- mu : 0.9997508886046408 [m_B c^2] Relat. chem. pot. in region 2 : ----------------------------- mu : 1.013555880017277 [m_B c^2] Relat. chem. pot. in region 3 : ----------------------------- mu : 1.007652586175552 [m_B c^2] Relat. chem. pot. in region 4 : ----------------------------- mu : 1.018062651424971 [m_B c^2] Relat. chem. pot. in region 5 : ----------------------------- mu : 1.025215988399266 [m_B c^2] Relat. chem. pot. in region 6 : ----------------------------- mu : 1.022323517451616 [m_B c^2] Central enthalpy : 0.269 c^2 Central proper baryon density : 6.589475016945078 x 0.1 fm^-3 Central proper energy density : 7.252087594488193 rho_nuc c^2 Central pressure : 1.371262763234236 rho_nuc c^2 Regularization index of the gravitational potential : k_div = 0 Central lapse N : 0.5934349207785763 Central value of A^2 : 2.412668874507967 Coordinate equatorial radius (phi=0) a1 = 8.216705719460149 km Coordinate equatorial radius (phi=pi/2) a2 = 8.216705719460149 km Coordinate equatorial radius (phi=pi): 8.216705719460149 km Coordinate polar radius a3 = 8.216705719460149 km Axis ratio a2/a1 = 1 a3/a1 = 1 Baryon mass : 1.573282106542703 M_sol Gravitational mass : 1.399445997591325 M_sol Star in a binary system ----------------------- irrotational configuration Absolute abscidia of the stellar center: 50.37196816708996 km Absolute abscidia of the barycenter of the baryon density : 50.37196816708996 km d_tilde : 12.2608670401304 Orientation with respect to the absolute frame : 3.141592653589793 rad Central value of gam_euler : 1 Central u_euler (U^X, U^Y, U^Z) [c] : 0 0 0 Central d_psi (X, Y, Z) [c] : 0 0 0 Central vel. / co-orb. (W^X, W^Y, W^Z) [c] : 0 0 0 Max vel. / co-orb. (W^X, W^Y, W^Z) [c] : 0 0 0 Min vel. / co-orb. (W^X, W^Y, W^Z) [c] : 0 0 0 Velocity at (r_surf,pi/4,pi/4) / co-orb. [c] : 0 0 0 Central value of loggam : 0 Central value of log(N) auto, comp : -0.5352947889781186 0 Central value of beta=log(AN) auto, comp : -0.08146094843575233 0 Central value of shift (N^X, N^Y, N^Z) [c] : 0 0 0 ... shift_auto part of it [c] : 0 0 0 ... shift_comp part of it [c] : 0 0 0 ... w_shift (NB: components in the star Cartesian frame) [c] : 0 0 0 Central value of khi_shift [km c] : 0 Central value of (B^X, B^Y, B^Z)/N [c] : 0 0 0 Central (d/dX,d/dY,d/dZ)(logn_auto) [km^{-1}] : 0 0 0 Central (d/dX,d/dY,d/dZ)(logn_comp) [km^{-1}] : 0 0 0 Central (d/dX,d/dY,d/dZ)(beta_auto) [km^{-1}] : 0 0 0 Central (d/dX,d/dY,d/dZ)(beta_comp) [km^{-1}] : 0 0 0 Central A^2 K^{ij} [c/km] : A^2 K^{xx} auto, comp : 0 0 A^2 K^{xy} auto, comp : 0 0 A^2 K^{xz} auto, comp : 0 0 A^2 K^{yy} auto, comp : 0 0 A^2 K^{yz} auto, comp : 0 0 A^2 K^{zz} auto, comp : 0 0 Central A^2 K_{ij} K^{ij} [c^2/km^2] : A^2 K_{ij} K^{ij} auto, comp : 0 0