JTW > Course Web Pages

I've taught the following courses:

Year Term Institution Course # Title Position
2023 Fall RIT MATH 251 Probability & Statistics Instructor
2023 Spring RIT STAT 345 Nonparametric Statistics Instructor
2022 Fall RIT ASTP 711 Advanced Statistical Methods for Astrophysics Instructor
STAT 753 Nonparametric Statistics and Bootstrapping (online) Instructor
2022 Spring RIT MATH 251 Probability & Statistics I Instructor
MATH 381 Complex Variables Instructor
2021 Fall RIT STAT 753 Nonparametric Statistics and Bootstrapping (online) Instructor
2021 Spring RIT STAT 789 Special Topics: Foundations of Bayesian Data Analysis (online) Instructor
2020 Fall RIT STAT 753 Nonparametric Statistics and Bootstrapping (online) Instructor
2020 Spring RIT STAT 789 Special Topics: Foundations of Bayesian Data Analysis (online) Instructor
2019 Fall RIT STAT 753 Nonparametric Statistics and Bootstrapping (online) Instructor
2019 Spring RIT MATH 252 Probability & Statistics II Instructor
RIT STAT 498 Independent Study: Bayesian Methods of Data Analysis Instructor
2018 Fall RIT STAT 345 Nonparametric Statistics Instructor
2018 Spring RIT MATH 252 Probability & Statistics II Instructor
2017 Fall RIT ASTP 611 Statistical Methods for Astrophysics Instructor
2017 Spring RIT STAT 489 Special Topics: Bayesian Methods of Data Analysis Instructor
2016 Fall RIT MATH 252 Probability & Statistics II Instructor
2016 Spring RIT STAT 406 Mathematical Statistics II Instructor
2015 Fall RIT STAT 405 Mathematical Statistics I Instructor
2015 Spring RIT On Sabbatical
2014 Fall RIT
2014 Spring RIT ASTP 611 Statistical Methods for Astrophysics Instructor
2013 Fall RIT STAT 405 Mathematical Statistics I Instructor
2013 Spring RIT 1016-345 Probability & Statistics for Engineers Instructor
2012-13 Winter RIT 1016-420 Complex Variables Instructor
2012 Fall RIT 1016-345 Probability & Statistics for Engineers Instructor
2011-12 Winter RIT 1016-351 Probability Instructor
2011 Fall RIT 1016-351 Probability Instructor
RIT 1016-420 Complex Variables Instructor
2010-11 Winter RIT 1016-345 Probability & Statistics for Engineers Instructor
2010 Fall RIT 1060-710 Mathematical and Statistical Methods for Astrophysics Instructor
2010 Spring RIT 1016-351 Probability Instructor
2009-10 Winter RIT 1016-351 Probability Instructor
2009 Fall RIT 1060-710 Mathematical and Statistical Methods for Astrophysics Instructor
2006 Summer Loyola Physics A300 Classical Mechanics II co-Instructor
2006 Spring Loyola Physics A300 Classical Mechanics I Instructor
Loyola Physics Z134 Astronomy (2 sections) Instructor
2005 Fall Loyola [Semester Cancelled]
2005 Spring Loyola Physics A301 Classical Mechanics II Instructor
Loyola Physics Z134 Planetary Astronomy Instructor
2004 Fall Loyola Physics A300 Classical Mechanics I Instructor
Loyola Physics Z134 Astronomy Instructor
2004 Spring Loyola Physics A410 Thermal Physics Instructor
Loyola Physics A301 Classical Mechanics II Instructor
2003 Fall Loyola Physics A300 Classical Mechanics I Instructor
Loyola Physics Z134 Astronomy Instructor
2003 Spring Loyola Physics A410 Thermal Physics Instructor
Loyola Physics A301 Classical Mechanics II Instructor
2002 Fall Loyola Physics A300 Classical Mechanics I Instructor
2001 Spring UTB Physics 1411 Introduction to Astronomy Instructor
2000 Fall UTB Physics 5393 Introduction to General Relativity and Gravitation Grader
1997 Spring Utah Physics 724 Graduate Quantum Mechanics Instructor
1997 Winter Utah Physics 723 Graduate Quantum Mechanics Grader
1996 Fall Utah Physics 722 Graduate Quantum Mechanics Grader
1995 Spring UCSB Physics 131 Relativity and Gravitation Grader

Last Modified: 2024 June 18

Dr. John T. Whelan / john.whelan@astro.rit.edu / Professor, School of Mathematical Sciences & Center for Computational Relativity and Gravitation, Rochester Institute of Technology

The contents of this communication are the sole responsibility of Prof. John T. Whelan and do not necessarily represent the opinions or policies of RIT, SMS, or CCRG.

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