JTW > Research > Dissertation > UCSB Thesis Document Class

This is a modification by me of the modification by Chris Martin of the UC Thesis documentstyle from the Central TeX Archive Network. Chris has more details on the starting material.

I converted Chris's LaTeX 2.09 document style to a LaTeX2e document class, and also made the following changes, all of which are clearly marked with "%%" comments in the class files:

Any of these changes should be pretty easily reversible.

Here are the files. I provide them without warrantee, etc. and with the warning that they consist of layered kludges. They worked for my dissertation, but of course you should check that everything, especially the margins, comes out right for you.

Last Modified: 2011 April 6

Dr. John T. Whelan / john.whelan@astro.rit.edu / Professor, School of Mathematical Sciences & Center for Computational Relativity and Gravitation, Rochester Institute of Technology

The contents of this communication are the sole responsibility of Prof. John T. Whelan and do not necessarily represent the opinions or policies of RIT, SMS, or CCRG.

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